* All cables must be made safe as they are laid and not at some later time.
* Cables must be laid in the gutter along the highway or in the junction between a wall and the footway.
* Cables on steps must be taped down to avoid the risk of tripping.
* Wherever possible cables should be flown at a minimum 17’ (5.2m) above a public carriageway and 8’6” (2.6m) above footways. The council / film office will, wherever possible, seek to make generator parking available which avoids the need to cable across the highway.
* If there is a need to lay cabling across a footway there may be times when it will be sufficient to lay cables at right angles under a taped rubber mat. Rubber matting should be regarded as essential safety equipment and carried as a matter of course. This matting should be;
* (a)a minimum of one metre wide, and;
* (b)visible to the public by proper lighting, cones or high-visibility hazard tape.
* On quieter roads it may be permissible to lay cables using proper cable ramps. If so then appropriate signage must be used and clearance given by the Council.
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